Innov8 Tech

STEAM Education – Robotics & Coding Courses in Dubai


robotics development school dubai

• mBot is a STEAM education robot for beginners, that makes teaching and learning robot programming simple and fun.

• Build a robot from scratch and learn about a variety of robotic machinery and electronic parts.

• Get to grips with the fundamentals of block-based programming and develop logical thinking and design skills.
• Own your own mBot robot for as little as 275 AED.

Web Development

Web Development for Kids

• Gain a basic understanding of web development languages by building real sites from scratch.
• Design exactly what you want with your own layouts, colors, and even animation.
• Launch your website by the end of the course.

App Development

app development

• App Inventor is an intuitive, visual programming environment that allows everyone –even children –to build fully functional apps for smartphones and tablets.
• Move from technology consumption to technology creation.

Game Development

game development school dubai

• Learn the basics of coding using: Scratch (Block-based) & Python (Textual)
• Use programming logic to create game mechanics.
• Build games from start to finish.
• Practice game design principles with engaging activities.

STEAM Projects

STEAM Kits - innov8tech

• Use recyclable materials to create interactive and fun projects that teach STEAM concepts.
• Use the design engineering process to develop solutions.
• Actively solve problems.
• Take ownership of learning.
• Apply content in real-world contexts.

Personality Development


• Engage in a series of challenges designed to increase your own happiness and build more productive habits.
• Develop your overall personality, professionally, personally, economically, and emotionally.
• Focus on areas of strengths and weakness, to boost your confidence level both internally and externally.

Coding Without Screens

Coding Without Screens

• Tap Pen Controller is a coding tool that exercises children’s logical thinking and problem-solving abilities.
• It brings computer programming into children’s real life, using coding cards and various themed map blocks to guide the child in exploring, perceiving, and creating through highly interactive, stimulating, and fun games.
• mTiny toolkit also fosters children’s interest in learning Math, English, Music, and other subjects and keeps them inspired.


educational robot dubai

Use electronic components to design projects such as:
• Fight Coronavirus: Hand Wash Timer
• Alarm Clock
• Voice-activated desk lamps
• Smart phone-controlled applications and much more.
• Own your own electronics kit for as little as 245 AED.

Mind Mapping

Mind Map

Learn basic hand drawn Mind Mapping skills and understand different ways to apply Mind Mapping to learn languages and reinforce subject knowledge.

Group & individual sessions available.  To learn more call 04-259 3484


Abacus Development

• Develop imagination and visualisation whilst solving mathematical problems.


3D Design and Modelling

3D Development

• Discover and implement best modelling practices using 3D modelling software.

• Take inspiration from the real world to create stunning 3D characters, props, environmental assets and more.

• Use 3D printing pens to bring ideas to life and take your creative designs to the next level.

• Own your own 3D printing pen for as little as 295 AED.

Coding (Python)


Python is the number one language choice for machine learning, data science, and artificial intelligence.

Learn essential Python keywords, operators, statements, and expressions needed to fully understand exactly what you’re coding and why – making programming easy to grasp and less frustrating.

Candle & Scent Making

Candle Making - Innov8tech

• Candle & Scent Making – Learn the basics of perfumery crafting, soap and candle making with our mixologist.